Mycopedia is a culmination of a year and a half of research into mycelium as a biomaterial. This project was completed as a thesis project in Industrial Design at the University of Cincinnati. This research project is an endowment to future DAAP students engaging with our sustainable cirrculum and other designers looking to explore mycelium.
Concerned with the authorship and “owning” of processes in design, Mycopedia attempts to establish base-line knowledge for anyone to pull from and build upon. Influenced by a trans-disciplinary approach, Mycopedia attempts to create a lineage of experiments to be continued in a scientific and craftsperson approach. In the world of innovation, we must all stand upon the shoulders of giants. This project collects all the giants influencing Luke’s research, as well as Luke’s personal experiments and techinques, into one resource.
Complete project can be view at https://mycopedia.net/