Section 001 was collaborative studio focused on re-imagining the creative workspace through furniture. I contributed to research, helped define our collective narrative and aesthetic, and designed a couch.

Using our school’s Communications Design studios as a case study, we began with research of the studio culture
“Outside of class time, how many hours are you in studio per week?”

student survey, 2017
“How can we be inspired when we are sitting in such a sterile room everyday?”
“It’s hard to experiment without a creative workspace”
“I wish more people would work in the studio space as well to create a community”
student survey, 2017
student survey, 2017
Given an “ideal studio environment:

85% of students believe they would make better work

81% of students believe they would spend more time in studio

71% of students believe they would be less stressed
We analyzed the data to idenitfy opprotunities for object solutions

Reexamining our video ethnogrophy, we found students wheeled their individual chairs into group seating.
“Students have a hard time working together due to the large desks in rows”
teacher survey, 2017

Currently, the studios only use Knoll Multi-generation chairs

and Knoll Propeller training tables.
We used benchmarking to identify group seating solutions.

Me and my partner, Jasper Cohen, began to design a couch based around mobility and facilitating breakouts, keeping in mind our inability do upholstery.
*Sketches by Jasper Cohen

We created our prototype out of insulation foam and rebond carpet foam.

We used an electric Turkey carving knife to cut rebond carpet foam

we created jigs to clean and straight cuts

One of our corporate partners, Versteel, fabricated the steel brackets for us. Our classmate Gabrielle helped sew covers for the blocks.